Tuesday 16 July 2013


On a lousy low sulky day at work, when most of  my colleagues left work early because of a forecasted storm like situation, I sat alone and sulked more about how everything around me was so imperfect and nothing was falling into place as I wanted things to be, I caught up a conversation with my boss, who is a very nice experienced yet young at heart sweet person, who saw it as a dangerous sign that I had changed from a happy go lucky, positive ,energetic young girl to a soul brimming with negativity and depression. He got me talking about things that give me happiness. One thing that bought a little glint in my eyes was ‘Serendipity’, my new obsession. I got all excited while explaining to him how I am trying to bring back positivity into my life by writing about small things in life that give hope.
While he found my whole understanding and admiration for ‘Serendipity’ cute, he induced me with a new concept called ‘THE SECRET’ .He gave me live examples of people who have benefited from the practice of this concept.

Secret says : ‘If u see it in your mind, you hold it in your hands’…interesting isn’t it?..

The universe is governed by a natural law called the law of attraction which is said to work by attracting into a person's life the experiences, situations, events, and people that "match the frequency" of the person's thoughts and feelings. Therefore, positive thinking and feeling positive are claimed to create life-changing results such as increased wealth, health, and happiness.
This idea has been propagated in the best-selling 2006 self-help book written by Rhonda Byrne, based on the earlier film of the same name. The book is very much influenced by Wallace Wattles' 1910 book ‘The Science of Getting Rich’, which Byrne received from her daughter during a time of personal trauma in 2004.
 The Secret highlights gratitude and visualization as the two most powerful processes to help manifest one's desires. It asserts that being grateful both lifts your frequency higher and affirms that you believe you will receive your desire. Visualization is said to help focus the mind to send out the clearest message to the universe. Several techniques are given for the visualization process, as well as examples of people claimed to have used it successfully to manifest their dreams.
Being a person who takes pleasure and the pain of experimenting such interesting concepts,I have started observing the practices of  ‘the secret’. Who does not look forward to change, prosperity and well being!..same is the case is with me…all I ask secret  to give me is the pleasure of being as enthusiastic as I am at this point of time even when I am done working on it and keep the flames of my hope alive and burning!...meanwhile, do watch the movie and get inspired to be positive in the toughest of situation in life and get benefited from it…do not forget to post here your experiences and curiosity!…because nobody has their life delivered to then on silver platter! …chio!


  1. Do read power and magic by Rhonda byrne

    1. I did read magic... And I truely believe in the power of gratefulness... :-D
